We know that the toddler years are some of the most fun and exciting for a child. That's why we've created our toddler program to be a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment where your child can explore their independence and learn new skills.
Our program is designed to meet the individual needs of each toddler. We understand that every child learns and grows at their own pace, so we tailor our programming to each child's unique interests and abilities.
We believe that play is essential for toddler development. Play helps toddlers explore their environment, learn new skills, and develop their creativity. That's why we offer a variety of activities and experiences that encourage your child to play and explore.
We also believe that families are an important part of the toddler learning process. We encourage parents to be involved in their child's care, and we offer a variety of opportunities for parents to participate in the program.
Exploring a variety of materials and textures
Playing with other toddlers and adults
Learning how to share and take turns
Solving problems and making choices
Reading books, singing songs, and listening to stories
Creating art and crafts
Going on field trips
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